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Marty Kiar - Broward County Property Appraiser
We have located more than one record for the information you entered.
Directions: Click the folio number to see property details.

Q/D = Qualified Sale (Q); Disqualified Sale (D) for assessment purposes; or
a non-sale title change (T). A "qualified sale" means a legitimate, arm's
length, open market sale under normal financial conditions.

Sort By Folio Number      Sort By Date      Sort By Use Code      Sort By Amount

22 Records Found
Folio Number Date Use Type Book/Page Or CIN Q/D Amount Property Address
504117HH0190  1/24/2025  04  QCD  120041381 $100  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 303 
504117HH0190  1/20/2025  04  WD  120017233 $295,000  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 303 
504117HH0320  1/15/2025  04  QCD  120007187 $100  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 408 
504117HH0250  11/21/2024  04  WD  119920706 $290,000  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 401 
504117HH0220  10/25/2024  04  WD  119886877 $255,000  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 306 
504117HH0110  3/7/2024  04  WD  119456298 $144,500  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 203 
504117HH0070  11/15/2023  04  WD  119236518 $282,000  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 107 
504117HH0280  9/15/2023  04  QCD  119128337 $100  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 404 
504117HH0220  8/22/2023  04  WD  119063743 $100  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 306 
504117HH0060  6/30/2023  04  WD  118957396 $292,000  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 106 
504117HH0080  5/19/2023  04  DRR  118898493 $100  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 108 
504117HH0080  4/7/2023  04  QCD  118813415 $100  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 108 
504117HH0040  2/27/2023  04  WD  118717555 $225,000  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 104 
504117HH0100  11/30/2022  04  QCD  118553779 $100  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 202 
504117HH0290  7/12/2022  04  WD  118267475 $100  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 405 
504117HH0170  3/9/2022  04  QCD  118043544 $100  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 301 
504117HH0030  7/19/2021  04  WD  117435602 $100  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 103 
504117HH0160  6/24/2021  04  WD  117393052 $206,000  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 208 
504117HH0300  2/24/2021  04  WD  117120317 $100  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 406 
504117HH0300  2/23/2021  04  WD  117120316 $100  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 406 
504117HH0300  2/23/2021  04  PRD  117120315 $190,000  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 406 
504117HH0190  1/15/2021  04  WD  117036912 $210,000  1911 SABAL PALM DRIVE 303 

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Source: Broward County Property Appraiser's Office - Contact our office at 954.357.6830. Hours: We are open weekdays from 8 am until 5 pm.

Legal Disclaimer: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity.
Instead, contact this office by phone. Information provided on this website is for tax roll purposes only and may not be appropriate for other uses. Values are not final until certified pursuant to Florida law.