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Additional Tax-Saving Opportunities

Historic Properties

The County or City Commissions may adopt an ordinance to allow ad valorem tax exemptions for historic properties if the owners meet the requirements of Section 196.1997, Florida Statutes. This is quite an involved statute so you should read the statute to see if your property qualifies. Section 196.1998 also applies if the property is used for nonprofit or governmental purposes and is regularly and frequently open for the public's visitation, use and benefit. Florida law permits (but does not require) counties and cities to exempt up to 50% of the assessed value of certain historical properties.

Outdoor Recreation and Park Lands

Lands used for outdoor recreational or park purposes may be assessed at their classified use value for such purposes if the requirements of Section 193.501, Florida Statutes are met. These uses include, but are not necessarily limited to, boating, golfing, camping, swimming, horseback riding, and archaeological, scenic, or scientific sites and applies only to land which is open to the general public. In general, an agreement with the governing body of the county is necessary which restricts the use of the property for these purposes for at least ten years. See the statute for further information.

High Water Recharge Areas

If a county chooses to have a high-water recharge protection tax assessment program, taxes charged by the counties and cities that adopt such an ordinance (but not school taxes) may be limited to a classified use value. A return must be filed by March 1 of each year. We do not know of a city in Broward County, or the County itself, that has adopted such a protection program as of this date. See Section 193.625, Florida Statutes, for further information.

Enterprise Zone Properties

Business property may be entitled to an economic development tax exemption under Section 196.1995 of the Florida Statutes. This exemption is a ten year exemption for up to 100% of the value of improvements to real property made by or for the use of a new business and all tangible personal property of such a new business. See that Section of the law for further information.

Lands Subject to Conservation Easements

If you own land that is subject to a conservation easement as described in Section 704.06(1) of the Florida statutes (that is, an easement to a governmental body or charitable corporation or trust, which easement is appropriate to retaining land or water in its natural state), and the land is so designated as environmentally endangered by formal resolution of the city or county commission, the Property Appraiser assesses the land in accordance with the easement. The taxes are deferred and may be recaptured if the easement is released or land used inconsistently with the rights conveyed. See Section 193.501, Florida Statutes, for further details.

Environmentally Endangered Lands

If you own land that has unique ecological characteristics, rare or limited combinations of geological formations, or features of a rare or limited nature constituting habitat suitable for fish, plants or wildlife and which meets certain other conditions, you may be entitled to have this land assessed as environmentally endangered land. See Section 193.501, Florida Statutes, for further details.

If you have questions about any of these specialized exemptions, please contact
General Counsel Mila Schwartzreich ( ) at 954.357.6934
or Customer Service & Exemptions Manager Karen Loos ( ) at 954.357.6892.

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Source: Broward County Property Appraiser's Office - Contact our office at 954.357.6830. Hours: We are open weekdays from 8 am until 5 pm.

Legal Disclaimer: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity.
Instead, contact this office by phone. Information provided on this website is for tax roll purposes only and may not be appropriate for other uses. Values are not final until certified pursuant to Florida law.